06 November 2023 10:00:31
Hello Timothy! Thank you for joining our forum!
Mass parameter in the “Transient” analysis defines the rotor mass portion subjected to the bearing in the system loaded with its own weight only.
If you consider the system loaded only with static gravity acceleration, you may calculate the value of this parameter by dividing the bearing reaction force on the static gravity acceleration (M=F/g). The bearing reaction force can be calculated for the rotor system in "Static Deflection" analysis in AxSTREAM RotorDynamics.
If the system is loaded with other static forces, the mass parameter can be found in the same way but these other forces should be excluded (except static gravity acceleration) for the bearing reactions calculation in "Static Deflection" analysis in AxSTREAM RotorDynamics.
You may find the forum category for AxSTREAM Bearing questions by the link https://forum.softinway.com/forum/viewforum/axstream-bearing-edu/14
Kind regards,
Anna Perepelytsia